Wilson Mitchell's Blog
Written by Wilson Mitchell who lives and works in Tokyo as a software engineer. He loves solving new problems, language learning, board games, and travel.
Skate Blog / スケートボードのブログ
July 15, 2019Tags:I've been thinking about doing a really cool trip and video series, inspired by Chad Caruso. Come check it out. YouTubeのビデオシリーズを作ろうと思っています。是非、ご覧ください。
My Mission and Guiding Principles
June 23, 2019Tags:What type of person is Wilson? What is his mission in life and how does he make sure he doesn't stray far from it?
March 12, 2019Tags:初めての韓国語レッスンを受けました。その経験について書きました。
Learn in Public
March 11, 2019Tags:Learn in Publicって何ですか?どうしてすることに決めましたか?