Skate Blog / スケートボードのブログ
July 15, 2019Tags:日本語は英語の下にあります。いつか、もっと便利に言語を変える機能を作らないといけません!
Something I have been into since high school is skateboarding. I was nothing great, but it was always one of my favorite ways to get exercise and hang out with friends. The feeling of accomplishment, room for creativity, and opportunity for learning is just so amazing that I feel like it will always have a special place in my heart no matter how old I get.
Since moving to Tokyo, I have gotten back into it, partly due to the awesome skatepark nearby. In the past, I was mostly skating flatground and ledges, but given the abundance of mini-ramps at skateparks around Tokyo, that is my current focus. It’s nice because it can be lower impact, especially if you wear a few pads (at least knee and wrist protectors have saved me a few times after I spent the first few weeks without and messed up my knee and hand a few times).
One of my recent inspirations is Chad Caruso’s YouTube channel. He is really killing it out there and spreading positive vibes. One of his main things is always pushing himself, which he finds easiest to do when he puts a challenge to himself out there in the public and records the journey on YouTube. About a month ago, he finished up a 50 day trip around America where each day he did a new trick in a different state of the United States. It was such an awesome journey to watch and is one of the first times I ever subscribed to a YouTube channel and actively looked forward to the daily post. I really recommend checking that video series out (and his other videos) if you have even the slightest interest in skating or traveling within the United States.
That got me thinking that it’d be really interesting to do something like that in Japan. I think it could give a really cool perspective of Japan as well as be an awesome learning experience. I think I could probably come up with some kind of new trick each day, but it wouldn’t be nearly as impressive as Chad’s. It’d be a great way to get me out of my comfort zone and meet people all around Japan again (the posts about my first trip to Japan which was around 48 days followed by Korea, Thailand, and Singapore are still in progress).
I’m trying to figure out how I would do that while working full-time. The current thinking was I could do 2 prefectures (but only 1 new trick) per day for 24 days. I could break this up by taking off 1 week to go from Hokkaido down to near Tokyo (20 prefectures, 10 days). Then I could do Tokyo area as day trips even after work. Then I take off another 1 week and do the western part of Tokyo and Okinawa (20 prefectures, 10 days). I’d try to talk to as many people as possible and sample all of the local foods/spots as I traveled through each prefecture in a rental car. I’d translate everything with subtitles in the video. If we’re speaking Japanese, English subtitles at the bottom. If we’re speaking English, then Japanese subtitles.
Does that sound interesting to anyone? Would you be interested in sponsoring such a trip? If so, let me know at
最近Chad CarusoのYouTubeチャネルをよく見ています。彼はスケボーが上手い上で、愛を含めてやっています。早く成長するために、ある期間で、毎日、やったことのないトリックを学ぶという風なビデオシリーズを作っています。数ヶ月前のは、50日間で、アメリカの50州で各々新しいトリックをメークしました。私ははじめて新しいビデオを待てないくらいな感じで期待していました。素晴らしいシリーズでした。もちろん、スケボーのトリックも面白かったんだけど、旅ブログの部分も好きでした。スケボーにあまり興味がなくても、アメリカの旅行のビデオブログとしてお勧めします。